View Profile MisterDielectric

137 Movie Reviews

39 w/ Responses

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Mmm...another episode. Finally, eh? But you've had enough of hearing that i'm sure.

The animation is great, as always. No problems with it.

But the humor was lacking. It's becoming very generic and resorting to Family Guy flashbacks and celebrity cameos. The whole "Big" reference wasn't really necessary, and it came out of the blue.

You don't need to copy Family Guy to get laughs. I don't know if you intentionally did that, but it sure looks like it.

And the whole "making fun of celebrities" humor is getting really dry. It actually was always dry. People should stop doing that. It's okay in moderation, but I thought there was a bit too much in this.

Besides the unecessary flashbacks and the lame celebrity jokes, I really enjoyed it.

Not my favorite, but it was still very well done. God jub.


Why does this flash have below a 3.00? That just blows my mind.

The animation was great, and I loved the humor.
The voice acting was great too.

I don't have too much constructive criticism because it seemed like you pretty much nailed what you wanted to achieve. Theres no flaws really. Exxxxceepppttt...you didn't animate casper walking. He was just gliding...maybe because he's a ghost? But he has legs? Hmm...whatever.

All in all. I enjoyed it. Especially the pornography line.

Nice jub.

boinky33 responds:

This cartoon probably has a low score because of the racial joke at the end. Most people must've not gotten it.
Also, he wasn't walking. He was floating.


Mmm, I liked this. You must have an ass-load of patients to draw all of that FBF work. FBF pisses me off, and I could never make something like this without giving up. Kudos.

I liked the fast paced and action packed style you gave it, and you chose the perfect song to go along with it, thats probably the most fast paced song that isn't techno or rap.

Great job on this, I liked it mucho.

Can I call you Moses?

This WILL be on the top 50 of all time. Will it stay? YES!...maybe.
This WILL get daily first and Weekly users choice.

Okay, Im done being Miss Cleo.

This was just awesome, to put it lightly. I don't even want to imagine how much work went into this. 22 FRAMES PER SECOND and FBF? Holy hell. I made a 12 fps stick animation and I was balling because of all of the work. You sir, make me look like a wussy boy.

I loved the effects, especially when you got sucked into the computer screen. That must of been hard to pull off. And when you're pinned down by all of the evil mini-men. This really reminds me of Animator Vs. Animation, because the animation is literally trying to kill the animator.

I hate reviewing perfect movies because they have nothing bad for me to point out. All well. Awesome job.

AlmightyHans responds:

I call the mini men Eeks cause i see them as having a face that just says EEEEEEEEE when you look right at it. in animation vs. animator the fight is between the cursor and the characeters, wich or course, the curser can just represent the animator. theyre not trying to kill me in this they want to convert me to one of their own. sure the plain basic idea of having a battle between creator and the creation is the same, but hey, animation vs. animator isnt the first either, i see this as just a natural way most animators feel for their work, somtimes its just a real battle between the 2 of us. anywyas, thanks for the review :P

Poor little man

That's seriously uncool, you got me feeling bad for a cartoon match.

Well this was a great little short, and I can see why it landed front page.

The art and animation is top notch, I especially liked how the backround looked. You also pulled off that slow-motion sequence well, it was actually funny to me how you made such a long slow-motion scene for such a little tiny fall.

The ending just wasn't right man, in such a little amount of time you got me to love a cartoon match so much that I'd feel bad if he died. I don't know how you pulled that off, but you definately did.

My only criticism is the shortness of it. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I think you could of fluffed it up a bit to add some time. For example, you could of showed him waking up and walking out his front door for his morning walk or something, saying hello to his fellow match stick neighbors, then go to the death scene. Ya know, just a lil fluffness. It's just a thought.

Well, delicious job on this.

Wonchop responds:

Heh, I'm not really one to fluff stuff up. Plus a house in the desert? Puh-lease.

You're a Newgrounds god.

Sir Matzerath / The Matzerath

I am a huge fan of yours, and you are by far my favorite author on Newgrounds. I love every single thing you submit. You're the reason why I started coming to Newgrounds and eventually becoming a member. I remember my friend showing me Balthors Tales From Hell a few years ago, and I'm like "heh this is funny, maybe alot of stuff on this site is as good as this" Then my Newgrounds journey was afoot. So thank you for that. You are also a huge inspiration for my flash projects...my new one that will be submitted soon shows me subtley copying you in some ways.

Well enough of me sucking your balls, and onto your flash.

I love the original faces you make in all of your flashes. The expression wrinkles on their faces are like none I've seen anyone use before. Thats the main thing I notice that sets you apart from all the other flash artists. That... and of course your dark sense of humor, which I just can't get enough of. All of the afterlife,death, heaven, hell, religion, and sick twisted things ideas that you base your cartoons on are executed so well. They're such serious ideas blended with great humor, and the occasional shit joke. Im sorry but this one was lacking a bit. The only thing that saved you in this shit joke was the "looks like the real estate bubble's gonna burst" that was a Grade A thing to say before a huge dump. But the overall timing and relevance of the shit joke to the story could of improved a bit I guess.

The Don Notts part was gold too "I actually like Don Notts he's an American classic" "I know, but his overall acting career is lacking" I think that's how it went, that got me laughing. Same with the devil wanting to raise hell and the Angels in heaven only wanting to go on myspace. And some other parts gave me a chuckle aswell.

All of the dialogue you put in your flashes are so long detailed, it must take so long to get all of the ideas out of your head and onto a piece of paper. Your scripts are really amazing.

Well I think I wrote my longest review on this. Be thankful that I graced this upon you. >=O

Nahhh...I wouldn't write this long of a review for anybody else but the Godly Matzerath.

Yeahh...I guess I reviewed this one because I have a better chance of you actually reading it, or hopefully getting a response, because my favorite flashes done by you, have like thousands of reviews.

Great job on this, and pretty much everything else you've created.

I smell daily 1st?

Great Ingus episode. I recently fell in love with this series, its all just so awesome. The random humor, the animation, the graphics are just top notch. I love how Ingus gives retarded information like "I'm almost certain theres a cream for that" or "lemme soak that in monkey blood"those little things just crack me up.

I don't really have any criticism, just that Ingus's voice sounds a tiny bit different, nothing serious. Great job, keep up the great flashes.

KupaMan responds:

I think you're smelling Retarded Animal Babies 17. Thanks for watching.


Wow, this was impressive! I love the comic book style you gave this, It kind of reminds me of a classic detective movie.

The backrounds were great, I especially liked the beginning hotel backround with the rain and puddles. It gave off a nice dramatic vibe.

The characters movements were hard to make I imagine, because all of it looked frame by frame. I give you much kudos for that, FBF is tough. But sometimes it looked a bit choppy...maybe you should of increased the FPS? That of course, would mean more work, but well worth it.

Another scene I thought was great was the SWAT officers running down the flights of stairs with their machine guns. I liked how they swung around the turns to go down the next set of stairs.

I really liked the story also, not too many flashes in the crime/police genre in newgrounds. Pretty original.

You've been working on this for a year? Wow. Your work is appreciated! I really enjoyed it!

Fickludd responds:

Cheers! It's not the FPS per se, I animated about 10-14 frames per sec in focus. However, I'm not quite mad-skills yet so at places it gets kinda wierd ^^. Thanks for review!

new account = Erobix i'll be uploading anything new on that account

Age 33, Male

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