That was funny as all hell. "Its like a goat shit in your mouth and you redigested it, and farted it out making a shit covered goat shit cloud" Could of said anything funnier? Jesus christ man.
That was funny as all hell. "Its like a goat shit in your mouth and you redigested it, and farted it out making a shit covered goat shit cloud" Could of said anything funnier? Jesus christ man.
Thanks dude :) I just got the plot for the second one. Hope it rocks too :P
Funny song
It's a funny song...but the animation could improve alot.
Thank you...
Some parts were funny. Like the gimmebeermuthafucka!! And the Michael Jackson thing. But you should make the characters move a bit more, like not bobbing up and down. Real good songs too. It was an okay flash.
thnx :) ill make the movement in the next part this is just the pilot :)
That last part got me to laugh. Totally unexpected, i thought there was gonna be a story n stuff but it ended with G.B. wipping out his goods. Hahaha.
I didn't see the others yet. But i'll look into it. Awesome flash.
I love when I don't expect something to be good, and it turns out awesome...woooh. Great creation, got that song stuck in my head now. bass just boom, bass just boom. *high five
Hahah yeah all my friends have been singing it for like 25 days now.
It helped me understand the Newgrounds ranking system for flashes more. I wondered what the underdog of the week meant.
Friggin godly
This was true as hell, funny as hell, good looking...as...hell? Super Flash Brothers are GODS!!
new account = Erobix i'll be uploading anything new on that account
Age 33, Male
Orange County, NY
Joined on 6/18/06